
Navigating Career Transitions for Auditors: A Guide to Corporate Finance and Beyond

Today, we'll delve into various paths for auditors looking to switch gears, with a focus on Corporate Finance due to how topical it is in todays climate.

Exploring Options

Stay in audit: Consider shifting to a new firm or portfolio for a fresh perspective.

Industry move: While not covered extensively here, exploring roles outside of audit can offer new challenges.

Financial Accounting & Advisory: Top-tier firms offer roles in Financial Accounting Advisory Services, Technical Accounting, and more.

Corporate Finance: A sought-after field for auditors, Corporate Finance offers lucrative prospects and diverse experiences. Recent market downturn: Reductions in Corporate Finance Executive roles have led to increased competition for positions.

Insovlency: Often overlooked by first time movers away from audit, however can be an interest path in to the world of CF and business recveocery.

Considerations for Transition

Salary expectations: Transitioning auditors may initially experience a lateral move in terms of pay.

Qualifications: Holding a professional qualification (ACA, ACCA, ICAS) is often a prerequisite.

Role specificity: Pinpoint the type of Corporate Finance role desired, such as Transaction Services or Due Diligence.


In summary, auditors contemplating a career change have various avenues to explore, with Corporate Finance standing out as a compelling option despite recent market shifts. With careful planning and a willingness to embrace new challenges, auditors can successfully navigate transitions and embark on rewarding career paths with the right advice and opportuntities available.